Owner or Rental OwnerRenter Vehicle #1 Replacement of Vehicle N1* YesNo I, undersigned, agree with the following statements: I affirm that my vehicle is in compliance with Florida State Law I have read and understood the campus rules and understand that if I do not follow the rules, my permit will revoked Terms and Conditions* Each unit is normally assigned one self-parking space(s) for their vehicle(s). Additional vehicles beyond the assigned space must be valet parked at a charge of $40 per month. The 3rd vehicle a charge of $200 per month will apply. The monthly charge is not prorated. Full payment is required. Copy of vehicle(s) registration must be included before the activation of any barcode. Each Barcode will cost $15 Rules and Regulations Change of vehicles or License plate numbers must be reported immediately. A new form must be completed and approved by management. No repair of vehicles on property except emergency repairs approved by management. All Parking Fees are due on the 1st of each month. If paid after the 10th, a $10 late fee will be assessed. If barcodes are turned off due to non-payment, there will be a $25 charge to be reactivated. If more than 20 days delinquent, barcode will be turn off and vehicle may be towed away at owner’s expense. Additional vehicles other than the first vehicle must park on the roof of the garage in a non-reserved space. The undersigned agrees that in the event any moneys are owed upon termination of renter’s lease from the Condominium unit, the money will be deducted from the resident’s security / Move out deposit with the Landlord or Association. Unidentified vehicles or improperly identified vehicles are considered UNAUTHORIZED and are subject to immediate towed away, regardless of the reason, at the under-sign’s expense. The undersigned indemnifies and holds association and Valet Operator harmless from any claims and damages from towing of unauthorized and /or improperly identified vehicles. The undersigned acknowledges that the failure of a vehicle to display a current decal and barcode is authorization for the removal of such vehicle by towing at owner’s expense. Thirty-day (30) notice is required in writing to cancel parking permits or additional vehicles. Please note a deactivation form must be filled out along with the barcode sticker in order to complete the deactivation process.